Object-Oriented Programming in PHP

March 11, 2024

Alina Orel

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm that enables developers to structure their code more efficiently by modeling real-world entities as objects. PHP, being a versatile and widely used server-side scripting language, fully supports OOP principles. In this article, we’ll delve into the fundamentals of OOP in PHP, covering key concepts, syntax, and examples.

1. Classes and Objects

At the heart of OOP in PHP are classes and objects. A class is a blueprint for creating objects, defining properties (variables) and methods (functions) that encapsulate the behavior and data of the object. An object, on the other hand, is an instance of a class.

class Car {
    // Properties
    public $brand;
    public $model;

    // Methods
    public function drive() {
        return $this->brand . " " . $this->model . " is driving.";

// Creating an object
$myCar = new Car();
$myCar->brand = "Toyota";
$myCar->model = "Corolla";

echo $myCar->drive(); // Output: Toyota Corolla is driving.
2. Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation refers to the bundling of data (properties) and methods that operate on the data within a single unit (class). Access modifiers (public, private, protected) control the visibility of properties and methods.
class BankAccount {
    private $balance = 0;

    public function deposit($amount) {
        $this->balance += $amount;

    public function getBalance() {
        return $this->balance;
  • Inheritance: Inheritance allows a class (subclass) to inherit properties and methods from another class (superclass). It facilitates code reuse and promotes a hierarchical structure.
class Vehicle {
    public function drive() {
        echo "Vehicle is moving.";

class Car extends Vehicle {
    // Additional properties and methods specific to Car

$car = new Car();
$car->drive(); // Output: Vehicle is moving.
  • Polymorphism: Polymorphism enables objects to be treated as instances of their superclass, allowing for more generic code. It allows methods to be overridden in subclasses, providing different implementations.
class Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        echo "Animal makes a sound.";

class Dog extends Animal {
    public function makeSound() {
        echo "Dog barks.";

$animal = new Dog();
$animal->makeSound(); // Output: Dog barks.
3. Abstraction

Abstraction involves hiding the complex implementation details and showing only the essential features of an object. Abstract classes and interfaces are used to achieve abstraction in PHP.

interface Shape {
    public function calculateArea();

class Circle implements Shape {
    private $radius;

    public function __construct($radius) {
        $this->radius = $radius;

    public function calculateArea() {
        return pi() * pow($this->radius, 2);

Object-Oriented Programming in PHP provides a powerful and flexible way to organize and structure code. By utilizing classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction, developers can create modular, reusable, and maintainable codebases. Understanding these concepts is crucial for building robust and scalable PHP applications. Experimenting with these principles will further solidify your grasp of OOP in PHP.

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